
KACEMA MUSUMA Children’s Home

In 2006 the Dutch KACEMA MUSUMA Foundation was erected in Raalte (Netherlands).

Our aim: Assisting the Sisters financially in taking over, continuing and improving the private orphanage (11 children) of (too old and too poor) Mrs. Makombe in Kawambwa, 1.000 km north from capital Lusaka, Zambia. The Sisters had the land and the people, but not the money.


Backside children’s home taken on 27-10-2007, just before the officially festive opening

The construction of this functional, comfortable and child-friendly children’s home was made possible financially by private donations and premiums by Wilde Ganzen Foundation, aka Wild Geese Foundation. In just 14 months since the birth of the Kacema foundation, the children’s home was completely realized, thanks to a team of enthusiasts, located in the Netherlands and Kawambwa, Zambia. The actual construction was done by the only local construction company in Kawambwa! The festive opening was graced by music, dance and good food for all guests. Mother Superior, then Sr. Christine Kabumbu suggested Sr. Maria Katonkola as responsible head of the children’s home. At the festive opening of the orphanage, Mrs. Makombe (see also history) passed on “her” 12 children officially to Sr. Maria Katonkola.

Sr. Maria and her support and anchor Sr. Mable developed themselves into be the sweetest, most caring and wise “Mammies” for (now) 44 children, aged 0 to 21 years. Often a third sister is present to assist, currently the marvelous Sr. Gorret.


Sr. Maria


Sr. Mable


Sr. Maria en Sr. Gorret

In the children’s home, the children feel free, loved, safe and happy. In addition to the sisters (‘Mammies’), various paid workers are employed, these are the so-called ‘Aunties’ and ‘Uncles’. Four Aunties take care of the babies and small children and they also wash and iron. There are also two gardeners who take care of the vegetable and fruit garden. A cook, a cleaning lady, a night watchman and an employee who is responsible for the corn mill. All are well paid according to the Zambian standard and work together on the good and loving quality of this children’s home.


Corn mill building/shed


Corn mill equipment


Kids at the corn mill


Corn mill equipment

The two oldest girls are already on their own two feet, their studies have been completed: kindergarten teacher and nurse. A boy has graduated as an electrician and works for the electricity company. Even though they are independent, on their own and with their studies completed, they still keep close and loving contact with the children’s home. There are currently four more students graduating this year and 5 more students starting their studies in 2021. For more information about secondary education and (future) students, see our Kacema Study fund at www.kacemastudy.nl.


Toddler- and kindergarten

The little ones go to toddler- and kindergarten, on the other side of the Kacema premises. The preschool is run by Sr. Mable. Parents of toddlers from Kawambwa also like to make use of this school and pay school fees for which the teacher’s tuition, maintenance of the preschool, as well as free education for our Kacema kids are paid.

A primary school has now also been realized on the grounds of New Kacema Musuma Children’s Home. The first four classrooms could be realized with donations from a pastor in Canada. Thanks to donations and, among other things, with actual Dutch hands, the second half of the school could be realized. On August 6, 2016, the primary school was officially opened in a festive manner and, like the children’s home itself, blessed by the bishop. This project was a long-cherished wish of Sr. Maria. A marvelous extra developed came with this: The children from “normal” families mingle with the children from the “Kacema-Family” and play together at home outside school hours.


Elementary School


Blessed by the bishop



The secondary school students attend boarding schools. They are happy to come home during their vacation, after their three months simesters. This means a double party in the children’s home three times a year for a month; all children have each other again, the family is complete! Our dream has come true: New Kacema Musuma Children’s Home is home to one big, loving family. The children’s home will never be able to become financially self-sustainable, yet Sr. Maria tries very hard to generate income. The two schools provide free education for the Kacema children. The garden provides the children’s home to a large extent with corn, vegetables and fruit. There are eggs from the chickens and meat from the broilers, sometimes they are sold when there’s opulent. The cornmill generates a little bit of money, from the village people using the corn mill services.






Sr. Maria and children

Would you like to meet this warm Zambian family yourself and take a look at the children’s home? You are very welcome! Our board will be happy to assist you in the preparations. New Kacema Musuma Children’s Home has for you two spacious guest rooms with ensuite bathroom with hot / cold water! Because Kawambwa is 1,000 km north of Lusaka Int. Airport, you can discover how beautiful and special Zambia is along the way (including stops).
